Resepi dan cara membuat nasi lemak

Resepi dan cara membuat nasi lemak. Bahan-bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat nasi lemak dan cara memasak nasi lemak sehingga siap untuk dimakan. Resepi nasi lemak dan cara membuat nasi lemak. Selamat mencuba!

Bahan- bahan untuk membuat nasi lemak (untuk 4 orang):

Bahan A (untuk nasi)

3 cawan beras (dibasuh dan ditoskan)
3 ½ cawan santan pekat
2 helai daun pandan (disimpul)
Sedikit gula dan garam

Bahan B (untuk sambal)

1 labu bawang besar (dihiris)
3 ulas bawang merah dan 1 ulas bawang putih (dikisar)
4 sudu besar cili giling
Sedikit asam jawa
1 inci halia (diketuk)
2 helai daun pandan (disimpul)
¾ gula melaka
Sedikit gula dan garam
Minyak untuk menumis

Cara-cara masakan Nasi Lemak :
Cara masak nasi lemak:-

1. Satukan kesemua bahan-bahan A ke dalam periuk.
2. Tanak nasi seperti masak nasi biasa.

Cara membuat sambal nasi lemak :-

1. Tumiskan bahan kisar sehingga wangi.
2. Kemudian masukkan cili giling, halia, asam jawa dan daun pandan.
3. Tumiskan sehingga pecah minyak.
4. Masukkan sedikit air, kemudian masukkan gula melaka, bawang besar serta sedikit gula dan garam.
5. Tumis sehingga pecah minyak sekali lagi.
6. Masukkan bilis goreng ke dalam sambal atau boleh juga diasingkan dari sambal tadi.
7. Hidangkan bersama ikan bilis goreng, kacang tanah goreng, timun dan telur.

* Tips tambahan:- gunakan kelapa tua dan elakkan kelapa muda, kerana kelapa muda kurang bersantan dan nasi akan kurang berlemak.

Sampai disini sahaja program masak-masak bersama cik tom. hee.. Selamat mencuba cara membuat nasi lemak...

Resepi dan Cara membuat nasi lemak

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Nasi Lemak Recipe (Malaysian Coconut Milk Rice with Anchovies Sambal)

Nasi Lemak Recipe (Malaysian Coconut Milk Rice with Anchovies Sambal)
As a self-proclaimed Malaysian home cook, it’s a shame that it took me so long to prepare nasi lemak, the de facto national dish of Malaysia. In my opinion, a truly remarkable nasi lemak is not to be taken lightly; it should fulfill a few requisites: quality, texture, flavors, and, of course, the right ingredients. This past weekend, I finally found the time and dedication to make this legendary dish…

The difference between a good nasi lemak and an exceptionally marvelous nasi lemak lies in the use of pandan leaves/screwpine leaves. Possessing highly fragrant floral smell, these leaves are used abundantly in Malaysian cuisine to infuse rice dishes or desserts with the signature aroma; a nasi lemak will not be a true nasi lemak without their presence. The other main ingredient of nasi lemak is dried anchovies, or known locally by ikan bilis. These little salted fish are used in the sambal.

As sambal is of the essence when making nasi lemak, I was extremely zealous when preparing it. I shun away from electrical appliances. Nasi lemak deserves better, it deserves to be prepared the traditional way, that is, with mortar and pestle.

I gathered all the ingredients for my rempah (spice paste), patiently and gracefully pounded away just like any traditional Malaysian home cooks do. This very exercise brought back a flood of memories. As a child, I loved observing my grandmother, my mother, and my aunt when they prepared their rempah with batu giling (a flat surfaced granite grinding stone); I would always volunteer to help them with the chore as it was pure fun playing real life masak-masak (cooking). As I reminisced back those childhood days in my family’s kitchen, I came to realize that it was probably the beginning of my life-long passion for cooking.


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There are four different types of a PC user. Read below to find out which one you are. This will help you choose the best computer for you and your family.

General purpose user: a general purpose use desktop computer is perfect for those who like to make pictures, edit pictures, play games and surf the net. Depending on what you need a general purpose computer can range in price from $500 to $1500.

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